L’Associazione “Per Scuola Democratica” pubblica una collana di volumi digitali, in open access, scaricabili gratuitamente per arricchire la ricerca e il dibattito nei campi relativi agli sviluppi di scuola, università, formazione, lavoro. La collana ha l’intento di fornire a docenti, ricercatori, amministratori, insegnanti e professionisti stimoli per l’analisi e l’approfondimento di un ampio spettro di tematiche in relazione al continuo evolvere della ricerca scientifica interdisciplinare sulle aree dell’education e del learning.



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Data pubblicazione : settembre 2021

Autori : Orazio Giancola e Luca Salmieri

Titolo : Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro

Tipo file : PDF free download  (per scaricare gratuitamente il volume premi QUI)

Dall’anno scolastico 2015-2016 l’Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro è stata resa obbligatoria nel secondo biennio e nell’ultimo anno della scuola secondaria di secondo grado, per 400 ore negli istituti tecnici e professionali e per 200 ore nei licei. La progettazione dei percorsi ha assunto un’articolazione triennale per meglio contribuire a sviluppare le competenze richieste dal profilo educativo, culturale e professionale dei corsi di studi. Il presente Rapporto di ricerca illustra i risultati e un primo bilancio di attuazione di questa riforma, focalizzandosi sui punti di forza e di debolezza, sulle buone pratiche come sulle criticità emerse nei primi anni di applicazione della Legge 107 del 2015, cosiddetta “Buona scuola”. Così come riformato il sistema dell’Alternanza rappresenta un unicum in Europa: in nessun paese europeo è prevista l’obbligatorietà didattica e curriculare dell’apprendimento in contesti lavorativi per tutti i tipi e gli indirizzi di scuola superiore, compresi i licei (§ Allegato “Modelli ed esperienze in Europa”).


Schermata 11-2459184 alle 11.02.08

Data pubblicazione : novembre 2020

Autori : Maddalena Colombo e Luca Salmieri

Titolo : The Education of gender. The Gender of Education

Tipo file : PDF free download  (per scaricare gratuitamente il volume premi QUI)

In questo volume si analizza il rapporto tra genere e educazione rispetto al contesto italiano. Lo scopo è creare uno spazio per un’area progressivamente varia e densa di ricerca interdisciplinare su genere e istruzione. Poiché i nuovi campi degli studi di genere sono divenuti fondamentali in sociologia, pedagogia, antropologia, i diversi contributi presenti nel volume indagano in modo dinamico e intersezionale i principali dibattiti emergenti nel panorama italiano dell’education, facendo leva su dati empirici e illuminando una serie di questioni cruciali: l’influenza che la socializzazione familiare e l’educazione prescolare hanno sia sulla formazione delle identità di genere che sullo sviluppo dei percorsi educativi; l’egemonia femminile nella demografia del corpo docente e le ripercussioni di questo predominio numerico per colleghi e studenti in termini di schemi e metodologie di insegnamento; la riproduzione delle scelte tradizionali di ragazze e ragazzi nei campi di studio delle scienze, delle tecnologie, dell’ingegneria e della matematica; gli ostacoli che si frappongono ad una visione neutrale rispetto al genere nelle scelte di carriera universitaria; l’influenza del livello di istruzione dei genitori, in particolare quello delle madri, sui risultati scolastici di studenti e studentesse; la crescente importanza dell’apprendimento delle competenze informatiche e digitali per l’occupabilità, soprattutto per le donne; l’efficacia degli esperimenti di codifica, robotica e apprendimento computazionale nell’ambito di programmi innovativi per gli alunni; i divari di genere nell’alfabetizzazione finanziaria e le differenze di genere nelle competenze finanziarie più complesse; la costruzione sociale delle categorie di genere nelle valutazioni standardizzate delle competenze degli adolescenti. Nell’adottare un approccio critico al genere e all’istruzione come complesso intreccio di queste questioni cruciali, i contributi del volume riconoscono e promuovono l’importanza di sondare il nesso genere-educazione oltre i tradizionali confini dei domini disciplinari.



Schermata 11-2459184 alle 11.16.31

Data pubblicazione : Giugno 2019

Autori: AA.VV.

Titolo : Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica. Volume I POLITICS, CITIZENSHIP, DIVERSITY, INCLUSION

Tipo file : PDF free download  (per scaricare gratuitamente il volume premi QUI)

This volume contains papers presented in the First International Conference of the Journal “Scuola Democratica” which took place at the University of Cagliari on 5-8 June 2019. The aim of the Conference was to bring together researchers, decision makers and educators from all around the world to investigate the concepts of “education” in a “post-democracy” era, the latter being a set of conditions under which scholars are called to face and counteract new forms of authoritarian democracy. In the European space of liberal democracies, the post-economic crisis era has seen the appearance of populist movements, sometimes anti-democratic, sometimes anti-scientific and anti-modernist. Those phenomena may erode democratic values and make the pluralistic context slip into the risky and ambiguous territories of post-democracy. The democratization of basic and higher education stands as a solid defence against populist tendencies. Ethical-political socialization, acquisition, and development of civic, social, citizenship and character skills may be a precious resource to hold democratic life on together. Democratic life, political participation and active citizenship needs to be rearticulated, reshaped, and reinforced as fundamental educational pivots in our overchanging societies. Throughout the world, there have been continuous attempts to reform education at all levels. With different causes that are deeply rooted in history, society, and culture, inequalities are difficult to eradicate. Nonetheless, although difficult, education is vital to society’s movement forward. It should promote citizenship, identity, equality of opportunity and social inclusion, social cohesion as well as economic growth and employment. Unequal educational outcomes are attributed to several variables, including family of origin, gender, and social class. Achievement, earnings, health status, and political participation also contribute to educational inequality within Western countries as well as or deeper within other world countries. Diversity applies to several aspects of student identity, including race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, age, and political and religious beliefs.


Schermata 11-2459184 alle 11.16.47


Data pubblicazione : Giugno 2019

Autori: AA.VV.

Titolo : Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica. Volume II TEACHING, LEARNING, EVALUATION, TECHNOLOGY

Tipo file : PDF free download  (per scaricare gratuitamente il volume premi QUI)

This the second volume stemming from the First International Conference of the Journal “Scuola Democratica”. The massification of educational systems in Europe and worldwide, together with the increasing demand for their democratization, have profoundly challenged traditional teaching models: the lecture, the magister teacher and the specific spatial-temporal devices aimed at disciplining students according to the needs of a Fordist capitalist society and to the reproduction of class inequalities. Starting particularly from the Fifties in schools, and more recently in higher education, new teaching-learning configurations have been explored and developed: situated and participatory didactics aimed at involving students in a reflexive relationship with knowledge and social reality; new ways of hybridizing formal and informal learning; new pedagogies exploiting the possibilities inscribed in new medias and digital technologies. These practices, sometimes radically, revers theory and practices in order to develop student-centred learning processes.

The thematic sessions within this stream explore the challenges, tensions, ambivalences and potentialities of pedagogies and didactics innovations involving school and university teachers, students, as well as their surrounding environments: the physical, architectural, material and technological spaces that constitute a crucial component of situated learning processes. The relation between education systems and policy making changed in the last decades, consequently to three innovations sharing the common paradigm of evaluation, namely: the establishment of national/international large-scale testing, the diffusion of systems assessing schools’ and the raising interest for efficacy and cost effectiveness of education interventions. These innovations have been highly debated from different and controversial perspectives. The aim of the conference stream is to collect papers focused on actual uses of different forms evaluation, in order to overcome previous ideological oppositions, contributing to move the debate into a more pragmatic and fruitful phase.


Schermata 11-2459184 alle 11.17.02

Data pubblicazione : Giugno 2019

Autori: AA.VV.

Titolo : Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica. Volume III GOVERNANCE, VALUES, WORK AND FUTURE

Tipo file : PDF free download  (per scaricare gratuitamente il volume premi QUI)

The third volume from the First International Conference of the Journal “Scuola Democratica” deals with Governance, Values, Work and Future and discusses the way in which practices, actors and policies of the educational field interact with logics and stakes of the working world. The directions of the debate are various. On the one hand, there are questions about the autonomy of the school field with respect to the demands of the economic and professional systems. Pedagogies based on learning by doing experiences represent some focus of reflection. On the other hand, papers examine the elements that come into play in the transition from school/university to work, with regard to guidance practices. Attention is therefore drawn to the differentiation of educational and professional choices based on class, ethnicity, and gender lines. During recent decades unprecedented attention is being directed at “the quality” of teachers, educators and professionals in education systems and in formal and informal learning environments around the world by a small group of global and national actors. Since the early 2000s, there has been a “thickening” in the global governance of education. Both the OECD, and most recently the World Bank, have insisted on a new debate, and promoted new tools for the governing of educational realms, including teachers’ pedagogical practices potentially linked to student learning outcomes. Many outstanding scholars claim that over recent years, research has shown the ways that national governments have seemingly ceded some of their autonomy in education policy development to international organisations in the context of globalisation and one of its conduits, Europeanisation. Indeed, governance has been posing questions, dilemma, conflicts, and polemics at national, regional and local levels with single educational institutes being affected. Relationships among students, families, educators, evaluators, policy makers and administrative managers are characterized by the emerging role of non-state actors and changing role of the states who cooperate and compete in transnational education policies and instruments; those that are transposed into the national contexts.